Competency and Reflection
1. Project Based Learning- When students are faced with a challenge in a partnership or even small a group there is a "sink or swim mentality" almost immediately which fuels most students to want to succeed for the desired result. Especially when "game-ify-ing"; learning students want to win!
2. Small Group Instruction- Along the lines of project based learning, small group instruction generally gives both the student and teacher more time with each other to work out deficiencies and or successes. Students have more time to develop competency and their ability to reflect on learning when actively working.
3. Student leaders- Give students a chance to lead in the classroom for example: in my band classroom, each instrumental section has 1 section leader. They audition at the end of the 1st quarter and whoever gets it will be first chair in their section. They will also have more responsibility, ie getting music for their section for rehearsal if needed, denoted name in the concert programs. Help leading instrumental sectionals as well.
4. Digital assignments- One thing for sure over the past three or 4 years is that Digital assignments have given all students the chance to submit what they have learned. Especially the students who normally are very shy/timid in the classroom. Unfortunately, the isolation of students during the pandemic has caused the increase of antisocial behaviors. Giving students the ability to speak on their own terms gives them the power of control on what information they want to share.
5. Digital Assessments versus in person summative test- In my current band classroom we have a large number of band students and it would literally take a whole weeks worth of instruction to hear them all play individually. So platforms like flipgrid and google classroom give students the chance to show what they have learned by submitting their best work when it comes to music performance.
6. Student choice- In my band classroom students will always have a choice of the music that they will play for multiple performances throughout the course of the year. Students will vote on 2 of the 4 concert songs per performance. It simply keeps them more invested in their own learning.
7. Student voice- I try my best to make students comfortable. Respect is the number one rule in my classroom and covers most behaviors. This applies to both myself and the students. Respect is earned on both of our parts. Over the years whether I like it or not, students have looked up to me as a father figure. I owe it to them to never break that line of trust.
8. Positive/constructive feedback both student/teacher- When it comes to feedback my philosophy has always been "less is more" Especially at the middle school level where simple sentences can be taken out of context very quickly and easily. This takes the most of the fear away from students when performing and trust is built at a much faster rate.
9. Additional/ After School Music Activities- These additional learning opportunities give students who want to push themselves the ability to do so. In my opinion, the more music the better.
10. Student led conferences- For some this is a great way for students to show both their parents and myself what they have learned. Also, this is a direct lens into their minds on how they reflect.
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